
this is what drives me crazy about Occupy

Occupy has targeted West Coast ports for labor actions on 12/12. This is a mistake, unless Occupy can learn something about the labor movement. Learn why the "general strike" of 2011 was not a general strike, compared to 1946 and 1934. Here's the link, if you're curious: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1934_West_Coast_waterfront_strike. The ILWU (International Longshore and Warehouse Union) and the Teamsters control the Port of Oakland. They are not the enemy.

This is the essential failure of the Occupy movement -- they target local governments for what is the fault of the Federal government. There is nothing the City of Oakland, or any other city, can do to change the taxation structure, or the austerity movement, of the Federal government. If you want to make your point, camp out on the Washington DC Mall, or in front of whatever Federal Building is nearby. Leave the cities alone. And blockading the ports is just a dumb move. The ILWU and Teamsters are your friends if you approach them correctly, but if you understand their history, they have never given ground to people who tell them what to do. Furthermore, they have a lot more longevity and muscle power than the Occupy movement does. Occupy would do well to make friends, and learn. The labor movement has been doing this for over 100 years.

Or, correct me if I'm wrong. I keep reading about how this is in solidarity with ILWU actions in Longview, WA. The situation in Longview is definitely not right. A multinational is importing scabs to build a new facility after promising local jobs to the people of Longview. OK, that's messed up. But when the other ILWU locals are saying, don't blockade the ports, why are you doing it? Just to get arrested, and make a point? Do it in Washington, where it counts. Stop tearing up Oakland, stop tearing up other working-class cities. Go to where the 1% live, stop doing it where the 99% work. The Occupy movement needs to grow up, or become developmentally arrested.


Alameda Superior Court now closes at 2:30p

I hate missing filing deadlines. So please be aware that all branches of Alameda Superior Court close at 2:30p, every day. Also, no more "integrated justice system" -- all civil filings must be done at their originating branch, ie: Oakland filings only in Oakland, Hayward only in Hayward, etc.


sound familiar?

"Towns passed laws against their [International Workers of the World] speaking on street corners, and the word went out so that every loose Wobbly in five hundred miles grabbed the next freight, intent on climbing up on a soapbox long enough to get himself arrested. They jammed the hails, wore out the police, used up the city funds, and they kept on coming till the authorities buckled or they themselves were overwhelmed." -- Wallace Stegner, *The Preacher and the Slave*, page ix, 1950.


save the USPS

As someone who delivers packages daily, I have the utmost respect for the USPS and their employees. Please sign this petition to save Saturday delivery, and the jobs of a federal agency whose ranks are staffed with 22% military veterans.

riots etc.

Occupy turns violent ... no wait, these are Penn State students upset because the university fired their famous coach before his last home game ... a famous coach whose inaction protected a pedophile. Nice to see that Penn State students are willing to fight for something that matters. In this case they're mad at the media because they think the media turned their beloved coach into the scapegoat. I think the media should decline to broadcast their football game this weekend.


police/community relations in Oakland

For more insight on the trouble relationship between the Oakland police and the community, read the interview with ex-police chief Anthony Batts -- I wish he were still in charge.


more riots

Check out this shocking riot, burning rubbish in the middle of the street, hapless motorists assaulted ... oh wait, it's actually from 1 year ago when the Giants won the World Series.

Occupy the Port?

I'm confused how shutting down the Port of Oakland (apparently in solidarity with striking longshoremen in Longview, WA, but there's nothing on the ILWU site about it), or wrecking downtown Oakland accomplishes anything. Throwing rocks through the Men's Wearhouse window does nothing to improve Oakland's horrible unemployment rate. I wish the anarchists would go back to France, or Santa Cruz, and leave Oakland to the people that want to make it a better place.

In better news, Scott Olsen, the protester injured last week by a police tear gas grenade, has seen improvement in his condition, although I believe he's still in the hospital. Update about his condition here.

Update 11/30/11 -- the ILWU did *not* shut down the port. Apparently, only the ILWU decides when to strike or not, not when other people say they should.